The third unit is now nearing completion and since I haven't posted anything recently I thought I would add a couple of WIP shots. These are slightly darker than normal as I didn't set up all the lamps I normally use for photographing finished miniatures.
This unit is loosely based on the Derfel's Wolftail warriors from the Bernard Cornwell Arthur trilogy. They are described as having round shield and fighting in shieldwall formation with spears. I've painted the entire unit with 5 pointed stars but in the book a number of warriors are only allowed to have a 4 pointed star device - I'll probably add these in.
These figures represent the back ranks of the unit and once again they are all from Gripping Beast. I've also changed the spears for this unit and am now using the much thinner steel spears from Gripping Beast as they look more realistic and don't bend. The down side is that I now have a number of puncture wounds on my hands and fingers where I've stabbed myself on them.
Since photographing these I decided to shorten the spears based partly on feedback from people on the Steve Dean forum and a realisation that scaled up they would be between 10 and 12 feet long. I've now shortened them so that they would be between 5 and 6 feet.
Basing is progressing nicely on these and I hope to have the full unit finished, photographed and posted on here early next week.